Introduction To AS Coursework

For the AS Media course, we have created a draft piece for a magazine so far. Making the front cover and the contents page. I've used Photoshop before and had some knowledge about it, and when creating the draft I've had a chance to use it again and build on that knowledge in detail.

Using Adobe Photoshop for a draft piece has helped me explore further with the tools and layers of the software. My task aim for the front cover was to attract men and women from the ages of 16 to 18. I accomplished this by using a picture of a teenager in the age boudaries and used various fonts and colours. For the main picture I've used tools to edit the background by blurring it and using the dodge burn tool. The main person in the picture is given a glow and i've learnt how to pull the contrast up to make her the main object in the picture.

Posted by oliver-duff | at 06:37


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