

The practice magazine I’ve created is based on the Woking college “Zine” magazine; I’ve created two drafts, the first of the front cover. The front cover I’ve used a basic layout, with a main picture covering the background. The name of the magazine to the top of the page, and feature pictures for the magazine to the side. I’ve used a variety of font for the front cover; there are 5 different fonts, each with a different colour.

The main Zine title I think personally would be eye-catching as it’s like a circus type, and when anyone hears circus the

instantly think of fun or entertaining; another reason why I picked this specific font.

If I were to of done this front cover again, I may have limited the amount of colour on the font, as well as the variety of the font.

Using Photoshop has helped me build on top of the knowledge I already have using different tools, such as the blur sponge tool to blur the background so that the centre image will be the main attraction. And I’ve brought the person to the foreground more by pulling up the contrast.

I’ve removed blemishes by using the airbrush tool as well.I’ve also added another picture into the front cover, the filmstrip covers up a darkened area on the background.

I used a filmstrip to show another feature to the magazine, with movie reviews, not just music. For the Contents page I’ve used the gradient tool to blend from a black to white. The font colour is inverted oneach side of the page, such as text used in the black section will be white, and the text used in the white either black or gray. The title down the side is the same font used on the front cover I thought I’d used this font as it stands out boldly and clear on the black. For the font there is also a contrast of colours using black white and red.

If I were to of done this again I probably would’ve experimented with the Photoshop tools more and created different effects. Time management would also have helped with completing work appropriately rather than to rush the contents page as I used a majority of my time on the front cover.

Posted by oliver-duff | at 12:22


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